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Trendy Tribal Armband Tattoo 2011
When it comes to body art, the tribal armband tattoo originates from a little bit of everywhere. From the hillsides of rugged Africa to tropical island tribes that still live like ancient warriors in modern days, the art form has extensive roots that make it one of the most celebrated and recognized pieces of body art in the biz.

Whatever your opinion about tattoos you can't deny that body art is something we actually all admire. Generally those who have tattoos look the part, you could think they ride a motorbike or play guitar within a rock group. Tattoos are not solely reserved in support of the individuals who fit the profile as we assume, they are everyday folks who have taken a step towards wearing whatever they feel about their own life and whatever they've achieved with permanent ink.

Trendy Celtic Tattoos, Butterfly Tattoos 2010/2011
Where do Celtic Butterfly Tattoos come from?
Celtic culture revolved around its strong links with nature, from the humble rock to the beautiful butterfly the Celts featured everything in their rich tradition. Celts were especially drawn to winged animals, believing these magical creatures contained souls, flying on an important journey searching for a new mother.

Trendy Lizard Tattoos 2011
Lizard Tattoos are popular tattoo designs both for men and women. They can be inked small and large as well, and in many styles, like realistic, cartoonish, simplistic, tribal and so on. Lizards have been highly popular especially in Hawaiian and Polynesian traditions, and as we know these are cultures that associate deep meaning and symbolism to natural creatures and elements - the lizard is not an exception either.

Trendy Unique Tattoo Design 2010/2011
Tribal Tattoos - In tattoo reference, the word Tribal encompasses native styles from prehistoric cultures around the world. Tribal tattoos originated in areas such as Hawaii and Samoa. Tribal tattoos are bold with heavy black lines and shading of geometric shapes.

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